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Photo oil painting Service

  1. Select Your Photo:

    • Choose the photo you wish to have transformed into an oil painting from your personal collection.
  2. Upload Your Photo:

  3. Choose Style and Size:

    • Select the style of the oil painting (e.g., realistic, abstract, impressionist, etc.).
    • Decide on the size of the painting to fit your space requirements.
  4. Customization Options:

    • Opt for additional customization options such as framing, signature placement, specific color adjustments, etc.
  5. Submit Your Order:

    • After confirming all the details, submit your order and make the payment.
  6. Artist Creation:

    • Once the order is submitted, the artists at ART816.COM will begin creating the oil painting according to your specifications.
  7. Progress Updates:

    • During the creation process, you may receive progress updates, including sketches and images of the work-in-progress.
  8. Completion of Artwork:

    • After the artist completes the oil painting, a final review and touch-up will be conducted.
  9. Artwork Presentation:

    • The finished oil painting will be presented to you online to ensure your satisfaction.
  10. Packaging and Shipping:

    • Once you are satisfied with the artwork, ART816.COM will professionally package it and arrange for shipping.
  11. Receiving and Hanging:

    • Upon receiving the oil painting, you can hang it yourself following the provided instructions or seek professional assistance.
  12. After-Sales Service:

    • ART816.COM offers after-sales service to address any issues you may encounter after receiving the artwork.
Art816 Co,. Ltd.
#256 Zhongshan Dadao Dong
GuangZhou, Guangdong
China 510700

To place order or need help, please Contact us Online.
Note: Any emails and questions we will respond within 12 hours.